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How to Prevent Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

The Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is a mommy’s worst nightmare.

Also known as “crib death,” this condition is characterized by unexpected deaths of infants without any clear cause. In most cases, there are no indications that the victims were even sick.

According to WebMD, babies under 12 months old are most at risk of SIDS. While there is no sure way of preventing SIDS, experts have gathered tips that have been seen to decrease the risk of sudden death in babies by as much as 50 percent.

Allow Baby to Sleep on Their Back

Many parents in the U.S. tend to put their little ones to sleep on his stomach or side for fear that their child might choke while sleeping. However, studies have shown that doing so actually increases the risk of SIDS. According to experts, these sleeping positions brings the baby closer to mattresses and pillows which can smother him and cause suffocation.

Because of this, experts advise all parents to let their babies sleep or nap on their backs. To ease many parents and babysitters’ fears that their baby might choke while sleeping on their back, WebMD explained that occurrence is extremely rare since healthy babies have the reflex to cough up or swallow fluids when necessary.

Avoid Soft Beddings and Toys

Babies sleeping surrounded by soft pillow have a higher risk of experiencing sudden infant death syndrome or SIDS.

Never ever take the softness of a mattress as a good thing when it comes to babies because this can actually cause SIDS. Several studies revealed that babies who sleep on soft beddings have a higher risk of suffocating which may also cause SIDS.

Instead, choose firm beddings and use a mattress with fitted sheet and remember not to put pillows, blankets, quilts, sheepskin, stuffed toys, and even crib bumpers where your baby sleeps.

Never Smoke Around Your Baby

Smoking parents are strictly prohibited from coming near their young one. Babies who are exposed to secondhand smoke have twice as much risk to die of SIDS than those who aren’t. Aside from that, women who smoke during pregnancy also put their child at three times higher risk of sudden infant death.

Complete Your Child’s Immunization

According to studies, babies who have complete immunization accordance with recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics and the CDC have been seen to have a lower risk of experiencing SIDS by as much as 50 percent.

Use a Pacifier to Put Your Baby to Sleep

Although researchers have not figured out the reason behind it, statistics reveal that infants who were put to sleep using pacifiers are safe from SIDS. However, it is important that you wait until your baby is at least 1 month old before giving him his first pacifier so that he won’t get confused when feeding.

On top of that, make sure that the pacifier has been properly sterilized. Never coat it with any substance, not even edible ones to ensure your child’s safety. Only put the pacifier in your baby’s mouth when he wants it and never force it on him. When your baby finally falls asleep and the pacifier falls, refrain from putting it back on his mouth.


Breastfeeding works wonders for your baby as it can prevent sudden infant death syndrome or SIDS.

Breastfeeding is indeed the best for babies since it is also discovered to decrease the risk of experiencing SIDS by 50 percent. Some pediatrics specialists believe that this is due to the breast milk’s ability to protect babies from infection which escalate the dangers of SIDS.

Avoid Co-Sleeping with Baby

Though your baby can be nursed in your bed, experts advise to not let them sleep with you because co-sleeping increases the risk of SIDS. Instead, allow your baby to sleep in their bassinets or cribs and put these in your bedroom so that you can easily attend to your baby’s needs.

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